#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2001 Stefano Corsi <ippo@madeinlinux.com> # # # # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public # # License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. # ############################################################################ ### La versione my $VERSION=0.01; ### Librerie use strict; ### Se DEBUG my $DEBUG = 0; ### I file di input e output my $INFILE = $ARGV[0]; my $OUTFILE = $ARGV[1]; ### Il buffer per l'output my $OUTPUT = ""; ### La symbol table per le defines my $SYMTAB = {}; ### Se stampare o no a causa degli ifdef... my $noprint = 0; ### ___BEGIN___ ### ### Controlliamo i parametri necessari ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[1]) || do { print stderr "Syntax: pipipi <infile> <outfile>\n"; exit -1; }; ### Cominciamo dal primo file include($INFILE); if ($DEBUG) { ### Stampa la symbol table print "### Symbol table dump ###\n"; for (keys(%$SYMTAB)) { print "$_: $SYMTAB->{$_}\n"; } } ### Stampa il risultato finale open OUTFILE, ">$OUTFILE"; print OUTFILE $OUTPUT; close OUTFILE; ### ___END___ ### sub parse { my $line = shift; ### Analizziamo la linea ... SWITCH: { ### Include $line =~ /^\+\+\+include\([\s]*([^\s]*)[\s]*\)/ && do { if ($DEBUG) { print "Inclusione di $1\n"; } include($1); last SWITCH; }; ### Define semplice con un solo parametro $line =~ /^\+\+\+define\([\s]*([^\s^,]*)[\s]*\)/ && do { if ($DEBUG) { print "Define di $1\n"; } pushsymbol($1, 1); last SWITCH; }; ### Define complesso con due parametri $line =~ /^\+\+\+define\([\s]*([^\s^,]*)[\s]*,[\s]*\"([^"]*)\"[\s]*\)/ && do { if ($DEBUG) { print "Define di $1 come $2\n"; } pushsymbol($1, $2); last SWITCH; }; ### ifdef $line =~ /^\+\+\+ifdef\([\s]*([^\s^,]*)[\s]*\)/ && do { if ($DEBUG) { print "ifdef di $1\n"; } $noprint = 1; if (defn($1)) { $noprint = 0; } last SWITCH; }; ### endif $line =~ /^\+\+\+endif/ && do { if ($DEBUG) { print "endif\n"; } $noprint = 0; last SWITCH; }; ### (symbolo) $line =~ /\+\+\+\(([^\s^,]*)\)/ && do { if ($DEBUG) { print "Simbolo: $1 (valore: $SYMTAB->{$1})\n"; } my $tmp = dosymbol($1, $line); parse($tmp); last SWITCH; }; ### Default ($OUTPUT .= $line) unless $noprint; } } sub include { my $incfile = shift; local *INCFILE; ### Apre il file di include (open INCFILE, "$incfile") || die "*** Can't open include file $incfile"; ### Per tutte le linee di INCFILE while (<INCFILE>) { parse($_); } ### Chiude il file di include close INCFILE; } sub pushsymbol { my $symbol = shift; my $value = shift; $SYMTAB->{$symbol} = $value; } sub dosymbol { my $symbol = shift; my $line = shift; my $value = $SYMTAB->{$symbol}; $line =~ s/\+\+\+\($symbol\)/$value/g; if ($DEBUG) { print "Ho sostituito $value a $symbol\n"; } return $line; } sub defn { my $symbol = shift; if ($SYMTAB->{$symbol}) { return 1; } return undef; } =head1 NAME pipipi - a simple perl pre-processor a la cpp (but much simpler!) =head1 DESCRIPTION PiPiPi (Perl Pre Processor) is a small script that gives you some of the functionalities of his big brother cpp, the C pre processor. Pipipi implements this basic pre processor features: - File inclusion (with recursive behaviour: an include file can include other files...) - Limited symbol definition - Very limited ifdef behaviour (without nested ifdefs ...) Pipipi suffers of the following known problems or limitations - Little or none error checking - Simple syntax parsing - Lot of bugs probably =head1 README WHAT IS PiPiPi (pronounced peepeepee in Italian)? PiPiPi (Perl Pre Processor) is a small script that gives you some of the functionalities of his big brother cpp, the C pre processor. I wrote it because I often need to create a set of scripts that shares a common header and a common footer. When I change the header or the footer, I don't want to change all the scripts already written. This is my solutions. Someone probably will have better solutions. Pipipi implements this basic pre processor features: - File inclusion (with recursive behaviour: an include file can include other files...) - Limited symbol definition - Very limited ifdef behaviour (without nested ifdefs ...) Pipipi suffers of the following known problems or limitations - Little or none error checking - Simple syntax parsing - Lot of bugs probably INVOCATION pipipi <infile> <outfile> where infile is the main source file, containing all the inclusions, and outfile is the output file resulting from pipipi parsing. SYNTAX File inclusion: +++include(filename) Symbol definition: +++define(symbol) +++define(symbol, "value") Note: you have to use \"\" quotes to define symbols with values. Otherwise it will mess it up... You can also define symbols with other symbols: +++define(car1, "ford") +++define(car2, "mercedes") +++define(cars, "+++(car1) and +++(car2)") print "Two famous cars: +++(cars)"; Ifdef conditionals: +++ifdef(symbol) ... code ... +++endif EXAMPLE To see pipipi in action with the templates you find in the distribution dir you have to type: pipipi body.plt out.pl perl out.pl REMARK pipipi is meant to be used with perl, but can be used anywhere you need a simple pre processor with limited but useful features. Enjoy! Stefano Corsi <ippo@madeinlinux.com> =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires the C<strict> module. It also requires C<Mail::Send 1.08>. =head1 COREQUISITES =pod OSNAMES any =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES CPAN/Administrative =cut