tidyview version 0.0.1

tidyview is a Tk front-end for managing the complexities of perltidy's plethora of options.

Basically it presents two views of your code - one is your code before perltidy reformats it,
and the other is your code after perltidy reformats it with the options currently selected in
the GUI.

Not every option to do with perltidy reformating your code is support, as some make no no visual
difference - e.g. the ability to set the option of line endings for DOS/UNIX/MAC are not in the GUI,
as this doesnt change the layout of you code.

Options that control perltidy itself are also _not_ in the GUI.

There are numerous ways this tool could be improved. See the TODO for some ideas.


To install this module, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

If you want to play with the application before installing it, cd into the bin directory and run the
perlenv.bash script (obviously this only applies to platforms that understand a bash script).

cd bin
source perlenv.bash

This modifies your PERL5LIB path to find the applications libraries. I dont believe in 'use lib qw()'

See the pod for how to run the application after installation

    perldoc tidyview




Copyright (C) 2006, Leif Eriksen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.