This is a snapshot release of the NIS+ interface to Perl 5.  There are two
parts to the interface: the raw component (Net::NISPlus), and the
object-oriented component (Net::NISPlus::Table,
Net::NISPlus::Directory, Net::NISPlus::Group).

The object-oriented interface is used to simplify access to the NIS+
databases.  See the example programs in the 't' subdirectory for
examples on how to use the object-oriented interface.

A 'tie'd interface is planned.

There is only a small amount of pod documentation at this stage.


To compile the NISPlus package:

1. Unpack the distribution file.  It will create its own directory.
2. cd NISPlus-0.06-alpha
3. perl Makefile.PL
4. make
5. run some tests
     I have tried to write the tests so that they will work anywhere.
     The t/create.t test will create tables beginning with perltest-
     which you can safely 'nistbladm -d' after testing.
     Testing will currently fail the 'indexed passwd test',
     because I haven't finished implementing that part yet.

when you are happy with the extension, you can type:

6. make install

to install it on your system


Some of the more useful utilities in the t directory are the
table.export and table.import utilities.  I use them for backing up my
NIS+ databases in a readable form, making search-and-replace type
changes to NIS+ tables, and for rebuilding NIS+ systems from scratch.

table.export <tablename> <outputfile>
table.import <tablename> <inputfile>

For table.import, you need to specify the fuly qualified table name,
including the '.' at the end.

If you are rebuilding NIS+ from scratch, dump all tables with
table.export, reinitialise NIS+, edit the exported cred table to make sure the
root master cred key is _not_ in it (you don't want to write over your
new root master key, do you?), then import all tables with

NOTE: Use these utilities at your own risk.  There is minimal error
checking, and if you trash your NIS+ tables, I will not be


The code has been tested on

  perl5.003_22 under Solaris 2.4

This is alpha code.  This means:

a) the interfaces may change
b) it may not even work for you

Please report any bugs in the code or documentation to  I encourage anyone using the alpha or
beta versions of the NIS or NIS+ interfaces to subscribe to the mailing
list.  You can subscribe by sending the message 'subscribe perl-nis'
in the body of a message to  The list
is intended to be a discussion/announcement list for all things to do
with the NIS and NIS+ perl extensions.

have fun,
rik.	(1997-05-05)