Net-OpenSRS-OMA Version 0.02 ============================ INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test sudo make install NAME Net::OpenSRS::OMA - Client library for the OpenSRS Mail API SYNOPSIS use Data::Dumper; use Net::OpenSRS::OMA; my $oma = new Net::OpenSRS::OMA( uri => '', user => 'admin@domain.adm', client => 'my client 0.1', password => 'abc123', ); my $response = $oma->get_user( user => '' ); if ($response->is_success) { print Dumper $response->content; } elsif ($response->error) { print "Request didn't work at OMA level: " . $response->error . "\n"; } else { print "Request didn't work at HTTP level: " . $response->http_status; } DEPENDENCIES This module requires these modules. LWP::UserAgent LWP::Protocol::https JSON CAVEAT This API is still under development and thus the method calls, arguments and functions are subject to change. Consult the API documentation for up to date information. METHODS new Create and return a new Net::OpenSRS::OMA object. Takes the following arguments (in a single hash argument) uri - base uri for the api: user - username for authentication password - password for authentication token - token for authentication client - client identification string uri, user and either password or token are required. uri Get the API address this object is using user Get the username this object is using client Get the client identifier string this object is using API Methods API methods are called as object methods. All methods take a hash argument, that hash has a credentials hashref added, is converted to JSON and sent to the API. Method calls return a Net::OpenSRS::OMA::Response object containing the response from the server. Consult the API documentation for the arguments and response formats for each method. The callable methods are: add_role authenticate change_company change_company_bulletin change_domain change_domain_bulletin change_user change_brand create_workgroup delete_company delete_domain delete_user delete_workgroup echo generate_token get_company get_company_bulletin get_company_changes get_deleted_contacts get_deleted_messages get_domain get_domain_bulletin get_domain_changes get_user get_user_attribute_history get_user_changes get_user_folders get_user_messages get_valid_languages get_valid_timezones logout_user migration_add migration_jobs migration_status migration_threads migration_trace move_user_messages post_domain_bulletin post_company_bulletin remove_role rename_user restore_deleted_contacts restore_deleted_messages restore_domain restore_user search_brand_members search_brands search_companies search_domains search_users search_workgroups set_role stats_summary stats_list stats_snapshot RESPONSE OBJECT METHODS is_success Returns true if the HTTP status of the request was 200, the response had valid JSON content, and the 'success' field of the response is true. content Returns a hashref, the decoded JSON content of the response, or undef if there is no content. raw_content Returns a scalar, string, the raw response fromt he server, or undef if there is no content http_status Returns a scalar, the HTTP status of the request, from the LWP module. error_number Returns a scalar, the error number from the JSON content of the response, or undef if no error number. error Returns a scalar, the error string from the JSON content of the response, or undef if no error string. AUTHOR Richard Platel <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2012 Richard Platel <> This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.