Net-WWD version 1.00

Net::WWD is the client and server modules for WWD, the World Wide
Database (tm). It's a powerful new method of manipulating data that is
both fairly static as well as extremely dynamic. By standardizing a
cross-platform method of dealing with data, new possibilities emerge.

It is not possibly to tightly bind an application and it's dataset. Take
a monitoring program as an example. Let's say you have 2 computers you want
to monitor an ever changing list of computers. Create the data set as a WWD 
object, then reference those objects in your application. Copy it from one 
server to another, and the data stays the same. You could in theory copy 
your application to millions of computers. From there, you can administer 
your data from one central location. When the object expires, each computer
(all 1,000,000+ of them) will then retrieve the "lastest version." As you
are probably realizing, this can make your life much easier.

Objects can return 3 different types of data.
	- static data (plain text)
	- a redirect to another object
	- dynamic perl, or mini web-apps. easily embeddable into
	  html/xml/javascript and a potentially unlimited number
	  places such as your email client, and office suite.

Net::WWD::Client is the WWD (World Wide Database) client software.  
Applications can use this module to retrieve WWD objects from any 
Internet connected system. WWD is a static method for retrieving 
dynamic data.  The data can be atomic data, redirected data, or an 
application that sits behind an object. Objects can retrieve other 
objects and produce their output based on other objects.

Net::WWD::Parser process .wwd and .wjs files before delivering them
to Apache, allowing you to embed WWD Objects and Dynamic Perl (dperl)
into html/xml and other text documents. 

Net::WWD::Interface provides an http and https interface to
manipulating WWD objects by linking in directly to Apache via mod-perl.

A WWD object can be shared with the world, or only to a certain user,
IP address or domain name. Temporary passwords can be assigned (good 
for X seconds, or X reads). Objects can also be restricted to users 
who provide the proper read password. 

For more information, visit


Net::WWD::Interface depends on the following:

The other modules have no dependencies.


Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by John Baleshiski

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.