README - Net::SSLeay Perl module for using Eric Young's implementation of SSL

19.7.1996, Sampo Kellomaki <>


0.1 Make sure you have perl 5.002 or newer installed and in source form
0.2 Make sure you have installed SSLeay-0.6.1 (or newer?). I have
    assumed that SSLeay is installed in /usr/local/ssl, if this
    is not the case, you have to edit Makefile.PL

1. Extract the archieve in correct place in Perl tree (you probably
   already extracted the archieve since you are reading this file,
   sorry, you have to do it again)
	cd perl-source-root/ext
	mkdir Net    # Unless you already have this directory
        cd Net
	gunzip < | tar xvf -

2. Make the make file, make the module, test it, install it

	cd SSLeay
	perl Makefile.PL
	make test

	# You can play with your new toy already here, but see perlxtut(1)
        # if your perl does not find the new module.

	make install    # This usually needs to be done as root

	# Now the module is visible to normal perl scripts

3. You're done, but if you like, you can build a HTML page:



My development environment is Sparc 10 with SunOS 4.1.3, gcc 2.7.2,
and perl5.003. Unfortunately I do not have access to other systems
so you are somewhat on your own. Everything compiles without a warning
on my system.

You should use SSLeay-0.6.1, the previous version of included
ssl_locl.h, which is not needed with SSLeay-0.6.1 any more.

I have received a report about perl5.003 having problems in finding
the Net/ during tests 4 and 5 of `make test'. I have not been
able to reproduce this bug, but I suggest following work around: Add
to files examples/, examples/, and
examples/ the following two lines and experiment with
different paths:

	push @INC, '/your/path/to/perl5.003/ext';
	print join(":", @INC);  # This is only for debugging

Recommended reading

If you run into build problems, especially regarding shared libraries,
check your perl documentation, especially the perlxtut(1) man page,
which gives excellent tutorial of the build process of XSUBs.



The package needs to be divided in more modules:

Callback glue for the rest of the callbacks (only the verify callback has
been implemented yet).

Add perlish more behaviour where it makes sense.
