procmail is one of the most powerful tools in use on Unix systems to
filter incoming email. It is, however, rather complicated and
configuring it can be a pain. is a Perl module that provides procmail-like
tools that you can use to write your own mail filtering program.

For example, a simple filter that copies incoming mail regarding a
specific subject to a separate mailbox, while also sending it to a

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use Mail::Procmail;
    pm_init(logfile=>'stderr', loglevel=>3);
    if ( pm_gethdr("subject") =~ /interesting topic/i ) {
      pm_resend("", continue => 1);
    # Default delivery.

As can be deduced from the pm_init call, logging will be done to
standard error. If a suitable message comes along, the following
information will be logged:

    2000/08/08 21:23:55 Mail from John Doe <>
    2000/08/08 21:23:55 To:
    2000/08/08 21:23:55 Subject: This is an interesting topic
    2000/08/08 21:23:55 resend[6]:
    2000/08/08 21:23:55 deliver[7]: /home/jv/Mail/interesting

The number between [ ] shows the line number in your program that
caused the delivery. This makes it easy to find out what rule
triggered the delivery.

If the message did not have the interesting subject, the log would

    2000/08/08 21:26:14 Mail from John Doe <>
    2000/08/08 21:26:14 To:
    2000/08/08 21:26:14 Subject: This is a boring topic
    2000/08/08 21:26:14 deliver[19]: /var/spool/mail/jv

All headers, and the body, of the message are at your disposal, so you
can use all the powers of perl pattern matching for your email

Delivery routines
Most delivery routines will exit the program with status DELIVERED
unless the attribute "continue=>1" is passed.

* pm_deliver(filename[,attributes])
  Deliver to the file. The file is locked during delivery to prevent
  data corruption.

* pm_resend(address[,attributes])
  Remail to the specifield address.

* pm_pipe_to(command[,attributes])
  Pipe the message to the command. A lockfile attribute can be used to
  prevent multiple deliveries using the same command at the same time.
  Pipe write errors are silently ignored.

* pm_command(command[,attributes])
  Execute a system command for its side-effects.

* pm_ignore(reason)
  Treat as delivered but do noting but logging the reason.

* pm_reject(reason)
  The program will exit with status REJECTED to signal the
  mail delivery system that the message was rejected.

* pm_log(level,message)
  Add a message to the log. A timestamp will be prepended.


A facility is included to produce reports from log files written by
Mail::Procmail applications.

* Mail::Internet  1.33 (part of the MailTools package, version 1.15)
* LockFile::Simple  0.2.5

GPL or Artistic, whatever you prefer.

Mail::Procmail is inspired by Simon Cozen's Mail::Audit, that was
inspired by Tom Christiansen's audit_mail and deliverlib programs.

Johan Vromans                                   
Squirrel Consultancy                                  Haarlem, the Netherlands        
PGP Key 2048/4783B14D
------------------------ "Arms are made for hugging" -------------------------