# NAME Acme::HidamariSketch - This module of the Hidamalar, by the Hidamalar, for the Hidamalar. # SYNOPSIS use Acme::HidamariSketch; # Let's make the Hidamari-world first. my $hidamari = Acme::HidamariSketch->new; # You can see the character information. my @characters = $hidamari->characters; # You can build a Hidamari-apartment. my $apartment = $hidamari->apartment; # You can knock on the room. my $yuno = $apartment->knock(201); # You can change the year. $hidamari->year('second'); $apartment = $hidamari->apartment; # You also meet Sae and Hiro. my $hiro = $apartment->knock(101); my $sae = $apartment->knock(102); # DESCRIPTION Hidamari Sketch is a Japanese manga that are loved by many people. # METHODS ## new my $hidamari = Acme::HidamariSketch->new; ## characters my @characters = $hidamari->characters; ## apartment my $apartment = $hidamari->apartment; my $yuno = $apartment->knock(201); ## year my $year = $hidamari->year('second'); # SEE ALSO - Hidamari Sketch (Wikipedia - ja) http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%81%B2%E3%81%A0%E3%81%BE%E3%82%8A%E3%82%B9%E3%82%B1%E3%83%83%E3%83%81 - Hidamari Sketch (Wikipedia - en) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidamari\_Sketch - Blog of authorship http://ap.sakuraweb.com/ # REFERENCE - Acme::MorningMusume https://github.com/kentaro/perl-acme-morningmusume - Acme::PrettyCure https://github.com/kan/p5-acme-prettycure - Acme::MilkyHolmes https://github.com/tsucchi/p5-Acme-MilkyHolmes # LICENSE Copyright (C) akihiro\_0228. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR akihiro\_0228 <nano.universe.0228@gmail.com>