Apache::AuthExpire module for use with a mod_perl enabled web server. Most Recent Modification: 09/06/2001 Copyright (c) 2001 Jonathan J. Horner. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 1. Purpose As the title suggests, this PerlAuthenHandler will provide a means to set a server wide time out system for servers that contain sensitive data. It does this by using file modification times in a 'times' directory in <SERVERROOT>/conf/ to determine when an access_controlled request was made last, and if too much time has passed since the last request, the module will return a status code of AUTH_REQUIRED to the browser to force a login. It follows the rules of the AUTHENTICATION phase and standard PerlAuthenHandlers. 2. Usage The usage is pretty simple: 1. Install module using 'perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install'. 2. Place the following lines in your <SERVERROOT>/conf/httpd.conf file, where appropriate: PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthExpire PerlSetVar DefaultLimit <number of seconds for default timeout> 3. The following line, optional in your httpd.conf file, will turn on debugging reports to your error_log (set by the httpd.conf file): PerlSetVar TIMEOUT_DEBUG 1 4. The following lines allow site maintainers to turn off timeouts for a directory or change the value. The value of the TimeLimit directive must be less than the DefaultLimit. These are optional in the .htaccess file: PerlSetVar TimeLimit <number of seconds for this directory timeout> PerlSetVar MODE Off 5. After setting these, all directories will be subject to the PerlAuthenHandler if an .htaccess file is present, the AuthType must be set to 'Basic', the AuthName must be defined, at least one 'require' directive defined, and MODE is not set. 6. Create a directory in your <SERVERROOT>/conf directory named 'times' and change ownership to the user:group running the Apache child processes. 7. Stop and restart the web server. 3. Contact Information I can be reached by email at jjhorner@bellsouth.net or jhorner@2jnetworks.com. Home page is http://www.2jnetworks.com/~jhorner/AuthExpire.html. Please send any bug reports to me at the above address. 4. TODO List * Add status codes to time files so that more intricate options can be added * Rewrite so that instead of a 401 status response being returned(which isn't handled well by all browsers), the serve will respond with a page html allowing another login. This page will have to be addressed by browsers and should work better than a '401'. * Work on Makefile generation so that the module goes to <SERVERROOT>/lib/perl/Apache/ * General cleanup * make sure Apache::* dependencies are checked during install * Generate better method of creating <SERVERROOT>/conf/times directory 5. Credit Goes to: - plaid from perlmonks.org (http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node=plaid) for debugging code and general help. - merlyn (Randal Schwartz) from perlmonks.org (http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node=merlyn) for general help and support.