# NAME Params::Validate::Strict - Validates a set of parameters against a schema # VERSION Version 0.01 # SYNOPSIS my $schema = { username => { type => 'string', min => 3, max => 50 }, age => { type => 'integer', min => 0, max => 150 }, }; my $params = { username => 'john_doe', age => '30', # Will be coerced to integer }; my $validated_params = validate_strict($schema, $params); if (defined $validated_params) { print "Example 1: Validation successful!\n"; print 'Username: ', $validated_params->{username}, "\n"; print 'Age: ', $validated_params->{age}, "\n"; # It's an integer now } else { print "Example 1: Validation failed: $@\n"; } # METHODS ## validate\_strict Validates a set of parameters against a schema. This function takes two arguments: - `$schema` A reference to a hash that defines the validation rules for each parameter. The keys of the hash are the parameter names, and the values are either a string representing the parameter type or a reference to a hash containing more detailed rules. - `$params` A reference to a hash containing the parameters to be validated. The keys of the hash are the parameter names, and the values are the parameter values. The schema can define the following rules for each parameter: - `type` The data type of the parameter. Valid types are `string`, `integer`, and `number`. - `min` The minimum length (for strings) or value (for numbers). - `max` The maximum length (for strings) or value (for numbers). - `matches` A regular expression that the parameter value must match. - `callback` A code reference to a subroutine that performs custom validation logic. The subroutine should accept the parameter value as an argument and return true if the value is valid, false otherwise. - `optional` A boolean value indicating whether the parameter is optional. If true, the parameter is not required. If false or omitted, the parameter is required. If a parameter is optional and its value is `` undef` ``, validation will be skipped for that parameter. If the validation fails, the function will `croak` with an error message describing the validation failure. If the validation is successful, the function will return a reference to a new hash containing the validated and (where applicable) coerced parameters. Integer and number parameters will be coerced to their respective types. # AUTHOR Nigel Horne, `<njh at bandsman.co.uk>` # BUGS # SEE ALSO - [Params::Validate](https://metacpan.org/pod/Params%3A%3AValidate) # SUPPORT This module is provided as-is without any warranty. Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-params-validate-strict at rt.cpan.org`, or through the web interface at [http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Params-Validate-Strict](http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Params-Validate-Strict). I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Params::Validate::Strict You can also look for information at: - MetaCPAN [https://metacpan.org/dist/Params-Validate-Strict](https://metacpan.org/dist/Params-Validate-Strict) - RT: CPAN's request tracker [https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Params-Validate-Strict](https://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Params-Validate-Strict) - CPAN Testers' Matrix [http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=Params-Validate-Strict](http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=Params-Validate-Strict) - CPAN Testers Dependencies [http://deps.cpantesters.org/?module=Params::Validate::Strict](http://deps.cpantesters.org/?module=Params::Validate::Strict) # LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2025 Nigel Horne. This program is released under the following licence: GPL2