Graph-Layout-Aesthetic version 0.01

Notice that this package contains C code, so you either need to get a 
precompiled package, or you'll need a working development setup.


The Graph::Layout::Aesthetic package allows the laying out of a graph.
The idea is that a state is repeatedly modified until an acceptable layout is
reached. This is done by considering the current state from the point of view
of a number of aesthetic criteria, each of which will provide a a step along
which it would like to change the current state. A weighted average is then
taken of all these steps, leading to a proposed step. The size of this step
is then limited using a decrasing parameter (the temperature) and applied.
Small random disturbances may also be applied to avoid getting stuck
in a subspace.

The package also comes with a simple commandline tool L<|>
(based on this package) that allows you to lay out graphs.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   # Answer some questions
   make test
   make install

To install this module into a specific directory, do:
   perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/name/of/the/directory
   ...the rest is the same...

Please also read the perlmodinstall man page, if available.


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  Test::More"	      only needed to run the selftests
  Graph::Undirected   optional module, but needed if you want to use the
                      graph related methods on this kind of graph.
  Graph::Directed     optional module, but needed if you want to use the
                      graph related methods on this kind of graph.
  gnuplot             optional, only needed if you want to use the gnuplot
                      based progress monitor.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ton Hospel, <> for the perl code
and the xs wrappers.

Much of the C code is equal to or derived from the original code by
D. Stott Parker.


Much of the C code is copyrighted by D. Stott Parker, who released it under

Copyright (C) 2004 by Ton Hospel for the perl code and the xs wrappers.
To be compatible with the original license these pieces are also under the
