[](https://travis-ci.org/titsuki/raku-Algorithm-AhoCorasick) NAME ==== Algorithm::AhoCorasick - A Raku Aho-Corasick dictionary matching algorithm implementation SYNOPSIS ======== use Algorithm::AhoCorasick; my Algorithm::AhoCorasick $aho-corasick .= new(keywords => ['corasick','sick','algorithm','happy']); my $matched = $aho-corasick.match('aho-corasick was invented in 1975'); # set("corasick","sick") my $located = $aho-corasick.locate('aho-corasick was invented in 1975'); # {"corasick" => [4], "sick" => [8]} DESCRIPTION =========== Algorithm::AhoCorasick is a implmentation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm (1975). It constructs the finite state machine from a list of keywords offline. By the finite state machine, it can find the keywords within an input text online. CONSTRUCTOR ----------- ### new my Algorithm::AhoCorasick $aho-corasick .= new(keywords => @keyword-list); Constructs a new finite state machine from a list of keywords. METHODS ------- ### match my $matched = $aho-corasick.match($text); Returns elements of a finite set of strings within an input text. ### locate my $located = $aho-corasick.locate($text); Returns elements of a finite set of strings within an input text where each string contains the locations in which it appeared. AUTHOR ====== titsuki <titsuki@cpan.org> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2016 titsuki This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0. The algorithm is from Alfred V. Aho and Margaret J. Corasick, Efficient string matching: an aid to bibliographic search, CACM, 18(6):333-340, June 1975.