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Paws::Kinesis::MemoryCaller - A Paws Caller with in-memory Kinesis.


    use Paws;
    use Paws::Kinesis::MemoryCaller;

    my $kinesis = Paws->service('Kinesis',
        region      => 'N/A',
        caller      => Paws::Kinesis::MemoryCaller->new(),
        credentials => Paws::Credential::None->new(),

    # Create a Kinesis stream...

    # Get a shard iterator...

    # Put a record on a stream...

    # Put multiple records on a stream...

    # Get records from a stream...


Paws::Kinesis::MemoryCaller implements Paws::Net::CallerRole which simulates its
own streams, shards and records in memory.

The following methods have been implemented:

- CreateStream
- DescribeStream
- GetRecords
- GetShardIterator
- PutRecord
- PutRecords


Copyright (C) Keith Broughton.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


## Author

Keith Broughton `<keithbro [AT] cpan.org>`

## Bug reports

Please report any bugs or feature requests on GitHub:
