# NAME jsonexplorer.pl - A simple JSON explorer for the command line # SYNOPSIS jsonexplorer.pl [options] [path] $ cat example.json { "Perl": { "CurrentVersion": "5.16.1", "URLs": [ "http://www.perl.org", "http://www.cpan.org" ] }, "PHP": { "CurrentVersion": "5.4.7", "URLs": [ "http://www.php.net", "http://pear.php.net" ] }, "Python" : { "CurrentVersion": "2.7.3", "URLs": [ "http://www.python.org" ] }, "Others": [ "Go", "Ruby", "Rust" ] } $ jsonexplorer.pl --file example.json Others PHP Perl Python $ jsonexplorer.pl --file example.json --visual Others[] PHP{} Perl{} Python{} $ jsonexplorer.pl --file example.json --visual Perl CurrentVersion URLs[] $ jsonexplorer.pl --file example.json --visual Perl.CurrentVersion 5.16.1 $ jsonexplorer.pl --file example.json --visual Perl.URLs http://www.perl.org http://www.cpan.org $ jsonexplorer.pl --file example.json --visual Perl.URLs.0 http://www.perl.org $ jsonexplorer.pl --file example.json --dump Others [ "Go", "Ruby", "Rust" ] $ jsonexplorer.pl --file example.json --join , Others Go,Rust,Ruby # DESCRIPTION jsonexplorer.pl is a simple JSON explorer for the command line (think ls for JSON). Feed it some JSON, navigate within the data, then tell it what the output should look like. See the SYNOPSIS for examples. # OPTIONS * path If specified, gives the location to navigate to within the JSON. The path is a '.' separated string of either keys for object values or integers for array values. * -d, --dump Pretty dump the current level. * -f, --file <filename> Specifies the JSON file to read. If not specified or '--' is given, read from standard in. * -j, --join <string> Specifies the string to join values at the current level on. Default is a newline. * -n, --newline If specified, a newline won't be added to the end of output. * -v, --visual Add visual cues to values that are arrays or objects. # INSTALLATION To install from cpan: cpan jsonexplorer.pl To install from source: perl Makefile.PL make install Once installed, jsonexplorer.pl should be in your path. # SUPPORT Please report any bugs or feature requests at: [https://github.com/alfie/jsonexplorer.pl/issues](https://github.com/alfie/jsonexplorer.pl/issues) Watch the repository and keep up with the latest changes: [https://github.com/alfie/jsonexplorer.pl/subscription](https://github.com/alfie/jsonexplorer.pl/subscription) Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests :) # DEPENDENCIES * Data::Format::Pretty::JSON * Data::PathSimple * Getopt::Long * JSON::XS * Pod::Usage # SEE ALSO [http://jsonexplorer.pl](http://jsonexplorer.pl) # AUTHOR [Alfie John](https://github.com/alfie) [alfiej@opera.com](mailto:alfiej@opera.com) # WARRANTY IT COMES WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013 by Alfie John This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).