Catalyst::Plugin::RunAfterRequest - run code after the response has been

        #### In
        use Catalyst qw(RunAfterRequest);

        #### In your controller
        sub my_action : Local {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

            # do your normal processing...

            # add code that runs after response has been sent to client
            $c->run_after_request(    #
                sub { $self->do_something_slow(); },
                sub { $self->do_something_else_as_well(); }

            # continue handling the request

        #### Or in your Model:

        package MyApp::Model::Foo;

        use Moose;
        extends 'Catalyst::Model';
        with 'Catalyst::Model::Role::RunAfterRequest';

        sub some_method {
            my $self = shift;

                sub { $self->do_something_slow(); },
                sub { $self->do_something_else_as_well(); }

    Sometimes you want to run something after you've sent the reponse back
    to the client. For example you might want to send a tweet to Twitter, or
    do some logging, or something that will take a long time and would delay
    the response.

    This module provides a conveniant way to do that by simply calling
    "run_after_request" and adding a closure to it.

        $c->run_after_request(            # '_run_after_request' in model
            sub { 
                # create preview of uploaded file and store to remote server
                # etc, etc
            sub {
                # another closure...

    Takes one or more anonymous subs and adds them to a list to be run after
    the response has been sent back to the client.

    The method name has an underscore at the start in the model to indicate
    that it is a private method. Really you should only be calling this
    method from within the model and not from other code.

    Matt S Trout (mst) <>

    Edmund von der Burg (evdb) <>

    This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.