# NAME HiD - Static website publishing framework # SYNOPSIS HīD is a blog-aware, GitHub-friendly, static website generation system inspired by Jekyll. # DESCRIPTION HiD users probably want to look at the documentation for the [hid](https://metacpan.org/pod/hid) command. Subsequent documentation in this file describes internal details that are only useful or interesting for people that are trying to modify or extend HiD. # ATTRIBUTES ## categories Categories hash, contains (category, post) pairs ## cli\_opts Hashref of command line options to integrate into the config. ([HiD::App::Command](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::App::Command)s should pass in the `$opt` variable to this.) ## config Hashref of configuration information. ## config\_file Path to a configuration file. ## default\_config Hashref of standard configuration options. The default config is: destination => '_site' , include_dir => '_includes', layout_dir => '_layouts' , plugin_dir => '_plugins' , posts_dir => '_posts' , drafts_dir => '_drafts' , source => '.' , ## destination Directory to write output files into. **N.B.:** If it doesn't exist and is needed, it will be created. ## draft\_post\_file\_regex Regular expression for which files will be recognized as draft blog posts. FIXME should this be configurable? FIXME this and post\_file\_regex should probably be built based on a common underlying "post\_extensions\_regex" attr... ## excerpt\_separator String that distinguishes initial excerpt from "below the fold" content Defaults to "\\n\\n" ## include\_dir Directory for template "include" files ## inputs Hashref of input files. Keys are file paths; values are what type of file the system has classified that path as. ## layout\_dir Directory where template files are located. ## layouts Hashref of [HiD::Layout](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::Layout) objects, keyed by layout name. ## limit\_posts If set, only this many blog post files will be processed during publishing. Setting this can significantly speed up publishing for sites with many blog posts. ## objects Array of objects (pages, posts, files) created during site processing. ## page\_file\_regex Regular expression for identifying "page" files. \# FIXME should it be possible to set this from the config? ## pages Arrayref of [HiD::Page](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::Page) objects, populated during processing. ## plugin\_dir Directory for plugins, which will be called after publish. ## plugins Plugins, which consume either of the [HiD::Plugin](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::Plugin) or [HiD::Generator](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::Generator) roles. Plugins used to subclass [HiD::Plugin](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::Plugin), but that behavior is deprecated and will be removed on or after 13 Nov 2014. ## post\_file\_regex Regular expression for which files will be recognized as blog posts. FIXME should this be configurable? ## posts\_dir Directory where blog posts are located. ## posts Arrayref of [HiD::Post](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::Post) objects, populated during processing. ## processor Slot to hold the [HiD::Processor](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::Processor) object that will be used during the publication process. ## processor\_args Arguments to use when instantiating the [processor](https://metacpan.org/pod/processor) attribute. Can be an arrayref or a hashref. Defaults to appropriate Template Toolkit arguments. ## regular\_files ArrayRef of [HiD::File](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::File) objects, populated during processing. ## remove\_unwritten\_files ( Boolean ) Boolean value controlling whether files found in the `dest_dir` that weren't produced by HiD should be removed. In other words, when this is true, after a `hid publish` run, only files produced by HiD will be found in the `dest_dir`. Defaults to true. ## source Base directory that all other paths are calculated relative to. ## tags Tags hash, contains (tag, posts) pairs ## time DateTime object from the start of the latest run of the system. Cannot be set via argument. ## written\_files Hashref of files written out during the publishing process. # METHODS ## get\_config my $config_key_value = $self->get_config( $config_key_name ); Given a config key name, returns a config key value. ## add\_input $self->add_input( $input_file => $input_type ); Record what input type a particular input file is. ## seen\_input if( $self->seen_input( $input_file )) { ... } Check to see if a particular input file has been seen. ## get\_layout\_by\_name my $hid_layout_obj = $self->get_layout_by_name( $name ); Given a layout name (e.g., 'default') returns the corresponding [HiD::Layout](https://metacpan.org/pod/HiD::Layout) object. ## add\_object $self->add_object( $generated_object ); Add an object to the set of objects generated during site processing. ## all\_objects my @objects = $self->all_objects; Returns the list of all objects that have been generated. ## add\_written\_file $self->add_written_file( $file => 1 ); Record that a file was written. ## all\_written\_files my @files = $self->all_written_files; Return the list of all files that were written out. ## wrote\_file if( $self->wrote_file( $file )) { ... } Check to see if a particular file has been written out. ## publish $self->publish; Process files and generate output per the active configuration. # CONTRIBUTORS - ChinaXing - reyjrar # SEE ALSO - [jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com/) - [Papery](https://metacpan.org/pod/Papery) - [StaticVolt](https://metacpan.org/pod/StaticVolt) # VERSION version 1.9 # AUTHOR John SJ Anderson <genehack@genehack.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by John SJ Anderson. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.