NAME Test::Shadow - override a class's methods in a scope, checking input/output SYNOPSIS Provides RSpec-like mocking with 'receive'/'and_return' functionality. use Test::More; use Test::Shadow; use Foo; with_shadow Foo => inner_method => { in => [ 'list', 'of', 'parameters' ], out => 'barry', count => 3 }, sub { my $foo = Foo->new; $foo->outer_method(); }; DETAILS One function is provided: "with_shadow $class1 => $method1 => $args1, ..., $callback" Each supplied class/method is overridden as per the specification in the supplied args. Finally, the callback is run with that specification. The args passed are as follows: in A list of parameters to compare every call of the method against. This will be checked each time, until the first failure, if any. The parameters can be supplied as an arrayref: in => [ 'list', 'of', 'parameters' ] or a hashref: in => { key => 'value', key2 => 'value2 }, and the comparison may be made using any of the extended routines in Test::Deep use Test::Deep; with_shadow Foo => inner_method => { in => { foo => any(1,2,3) }, ... out Stub the return value. count The number of times you expect the method to be called. This is checked at the end of the callback scope. AUTHOR and LICENSE Copyright 2014 Hakim Cassimally <> This module is released under the same terms as Perl.