NAME JavaScript::Code - A JavaScript Code Framework SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use JavaScript::Code; use JavaScript::Code::Variable; my $code = JavaScript::Code->new(); my $var = JavaScript::Code::Variable->new()->name('a')->value("Var!"); $code->add( $var ); $code->add( JavaScript::Code::Variable->new()->name('b')->value(42) ); print $code->output_for_html; DESCRIPTION Create javascript-code! METHODS $self->add( $element ) Adds a new element. $self->elements( ) Returns a ref-array of all added elements. $self->output( ) Returns the javascript-code. $self->output_for_html( < \%args > ) Returns the javascript-code that can be directly embedded into html-code. Optimal \%args: Key-value pairs that reprensent attributes that will be associated to the script tag. print $code->output_for_html( { language => undef } ); SEE ALSO JavaScript::MochiKit <> AUTHOR Sascha Kiefer, "" LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.