Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic::Password - enunciate a password as words

    This is a specialization of Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic. You should not
    use this module; all interaction should be done with an object of type

      use Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic;
      my $phonetic = new Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic('Password');
      my @phonetic_pw = $phonetic->enunciate('qOusiENi');

    This module is a dictionary for Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic. It allows
    for enunciation of passwords, using the following rules:

    * lowercase letters
        enunciated using the NATO alphabet per
        Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic::NATO, but the word will be lowercased.

    * uppercase letters
        enunciated using the NATO alphabet per
        Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic::NATO, but the word will be uppercased.

    * numbers
        enunciated as an initialcaps word for the english pronuciation of
        the number.

    * special characters
        enunciated as a mixedcaps word for the english punctuation of the

          @ At
          ? Question
          _ Underscore
          # Hash
          & Ampersand
          ! Exclamation
          - Dash
          * Asterisk
          + Plus
          = Equals
          " DoubleQuote
          % Percent
          ' SingleQuote
          ( LeftParens
          ) RightParens
          , Comma
          . Period
          / ForeSlash
          \ BackSlash
          : Colon
          ; SemiColon
          < LessThan
          > GreaterThan
          [ LeftBracket
          ] RightBracket
          { LeftBrace
          } RightBrace
          ^ Caret
          ` Backtick
          | Pipe
          ~ Tilde

    A character which does not fall into any of these categories is
    dispatched back to the base class for conversion. In the case of
    Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic, this returns the character unchanged.

    This module was inspired by the web-based password generator at In particular, the words
    used for special characters are the same as used by that application
    whenever possible. Some translations, like the character "x" are
    different because this module uses Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic to do the
    heavy lifting for alphabetic characters. In that module, "x" is rendered
    as "xray", but reders it as "x-ray". C'est la vie.

    This module supports more special characters than the passwords which
    that application generates, so any liberties taken with these characters
    are my own.

    Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic by Martin Thurn, the core for which this
    module serves as a dictionary.

    James FitzGibbon, <>.

    Martin Thurn for writing Lingua::Alphabet::Phonetic. The interface was
    pleasantly simple to extend.

    Copyright (c) 2004 Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. All Rights

    This module is free software. You may use and/or modify it under the
    same terms as perl itself.