MODULE PDF::FDF::Simple - Read and write (Acrobat) FDF files. ABOUT PDF::FDF::Simple helps creating and extracting FDF files. It is meant to be a simple replacement for the Adobe FdfToolkit when you just want to read or create fdf files. After the extraction process the content is available within a hash reference. For creating FDF files it currently only supports setting text values. Anyway, this should be enough to create fdf-files with text fields, text areas, checkboxes and radio buttons. See pod documentation. SYNOPSIS my $fdf = new PDF::FDF::Simple ({ filename => '/tmp/test.fdf' }); $fdf->{content} = { 'name' => 'Fred Madison', 'organisation' => 'Luna Lounge Ltd.', '' => 'Hello world.', '' => 'French', 'my.checkbox.value' => 'On' # 'On' / 'Off' }; $fdf->save or print $fdf->errmsg; my $fdfcontent = $fdf->load; PREREQUISITES Parse::RecDescent (1.94) Class::MethodMaker AUTHOR Steffen Schwigon <> Tim Schreier LICENSE Copyright (c) 2004 Steffen Schwigon. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. BUGS Too simple? I'm interested in comments/enhancements/bugfixes.