Filesys::Virtual::Async::Dispatcher - Multiple filesystems mounted on a
    single filesystem

            use strict; use warnings;
            use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :mode ); # S_IFREG S_IFDIR, O_SYNC O_LARGEFILE etc

            # uncomment this to enable debugging
            #sub Filesys::Virtual::Async::Dispatcher::DEBUG { 1 }

            use Filesys::Virtual::Async::Plain;
            use Filesys::Virtual::Async::Dispatcher;

            # create the root filesystem
            my $rootfs = Filesys::Virtual::Async::Plain->new( 'root' => $ENV{'PWD'} );

            # create the extra filesystems
            my $tmpfs = Filesys::Virtual::Async::Plain->new( 'root' => '/tmp' );
            my $procfs = Filesys::Virtual::Async::Plain->new( 'root' => '/proc' );

            # put it all together
            my $vfs = Filesys::Virtual::Async::Dispatcher->new( 'rootfs' => $rootfs );
            $vfs->mount( '/tmp', $tmpfs );
            $vfs->mount( '/tmp/proc', $procfs );

            # use $vfs as you wish!
            $vfs->readdir( '/tmp/proc', sub {       # should access the $procfs object
                    my $data = shift;
                    if ( defined $data ) {
                            foreach my $e ( @$data ) {
                                    print "entry in /tmp/proc -> $e\n";
                            print "end of listing for /tmp/proc\n";
                    } else {
                            print "error reading /tmp/proc\n";
            } );

    Using this module will enable you to "mount" objects onto a filesystem
    and properly map methods to them.

    This module allows you to have arbitrary combinations of
    Filesys::Virtual::Async objects mounted and expose a single filesystem.
    The dispatcher will correctly map methods to the proper object based on
    their path in the filesystem. This works similar to the way linux
    manages mounts in a single "visible" filesystem.

    It might be a bit confusing on how the paths work at first. I'm sure
    with a bit of experimentation and looking at the documentation for the
    Filesys::Virtual::Async::XYZ subclass, you'll get it!

    This module makes extensive use of the functions in File::Spec to be
    portable, so it might trip you up if you are developing on a linux box
    and trying to mount '/foo' on a win32 box :)

  Initializing the dispatcher
    This constructor accepts either a hashref or a hash, valid options are:

    This sets the Filesys::Virtual::Async object that will manage the "root"

    If this argument is undefined or not a proper subclass of
    Filesys::Virtual::Async new() will die.

    There is only two methods you can use, because this module does nothing
    except dispatch method calls to the proper object.

    Mounts a new Filesys::Virtual::Async object on the rootfs. Takes two
    arguments: the path and the object.

    Returns true on success, false on failure.

    Possible failure reasons:

    undefined path
    undefined object or not proper subclass of Filesys::Virtual::Async
    another object already mounted on path

    NOTE: This module is currently a bit stupid. It will allow mounts on
    non-existent directories! This could cause weirdness when trying to do
    operations on the parent directory. This will be rectified in a future
    version, once I get my head around the callbacks and figure out a new
    API to mount with a callback...

    Unmounts a mounted Filesys::Virtual::Async object. Takes one argument:
    the path.

    Returns true on success, false on failure.

  Special Cases
    Currently, this module does a pretty good job of dispatching methods to
    the proper object. However, there are some methods which have exceptions
    to this rule.

    Unimplemented, please do it directly on the object you are mounting onto
    the dispatcher.

    Array mode not supported because it would require extra munging on my
    part to get the paths right.

    Linking across mounts is not supported because it would be crazy to keep
    the mapping in the dispatcher.

    Doing these operations across mounts is not supported. Theoretically I
    could implement this in the dispatcher but it would have to happen in a
    future version :)

    Deleting a directory which contains another mount in it is not
    supported. This could be done but we would have to dig into the AIO code
    to make sure it stops deleting when it encounters the submount...

    You can enable debug mode which prints out some information ( and
    especially error messages ) by doing this:

            sub Filesys::Virtual::Async::Dispatcher::DEBUG () { 1 }
            use Filesys::Virtual::Async::Dispatcher;



    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Filesys::Virtual::Async::Dispatcher

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        This code is currently hosted on under the account
        "apocalypse". Please feel free to browse it and pull from it, or
        whatever. If you want to contribute patches, please send me a diff
        or prod me to pull from your repository :)


    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "bug-filesys-virtual-async-dispatcher at", or through the
    web interface at
    spatcher>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified
    of progress on your bug as I make changes.

    Apocalypse <>

    Props goes to xantus who got me motivated to write this :)

    Copyright 2010 by Apocalypse

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.