
    IPC::Pipeline - Create a shell-like pipeline of many running commands


    This module provides a calling convention similar to that of IPC::Open3 for
    performing inter-process I/O, but allowing this to be done using multiple,
    consecutively piped processes as specified by the user.  Three file handles
    are returned: A file handle for writing to the first process in the
    pipeline, a file handle for reading output from the last process in the
    pipeline, and a file handle for reading errors from all children.  Each
    process ID is returned and can be monitored with facilities such as

    Please consult the POD-formatted documentation for a full synopsis,
    examples, and caveats.

Detailed Documentation

    For further information, you may generate the IPC::Pipeline man page from
    the included Plain Old Documentation, and read it, by performing the
    following commands:

        $ perl Makefile.PL
        $ make manifypods
        $ man blib/man3/IPC::Pipeline.3pm

    This documentation is of course available via man(1) after installation in
    the IPC::Pipeline(3pm) page.

Further information

    Licensing and copyright information may be found in these files, which
    should be considered authoritative for the scope of this project.



    This module is written and maintained by Erin Schoenhals <erin@cpanel.net>.


    Copyright (c) 2012, cPanel, Inc.
    All rights reserved.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    same terms as Perl itself.  See the LICENSE file for further details.