NAME Scalar::Lazy - Yet another lazy evaluation in Perl VERSION $Id: README,v 0.3 2008/06/01 17:09:08 dankogai Exp dankogai $ SYNOPSIS use Scalar::Lazy; my $scalar = lazy { 1 }; print $scalar; # you don't have to force # Y-combinator made easy my $zm = sub { my $f = shift; sub { my $x = shift; lazy { $f->($x->($x)) } }->(sub { my $x = shift; lazy { $f->($x->($x)) } })}; my $fact = $zm->(sub { my $f = shift; sub { my $n = shift; $n < 2 ? 1 : $n * $f->($n - 1) } }); print $fact->(10); # 3628800 DISCUSSION The classical way to implement lazy evaluation in an eager-evaluating languages (including perl, of course) is to wrap the value with a closure: sub delay{ my $value = shift; sub { $value } } my $l = delay(42); Then evaluate the closure whenever you need it. my $v = $l->(); Marking the variable lazy can be easier with prototypes: sub delay(&){ $_[0] } my $l = delay { 42 } But forcing the value is pain in the neck. This module makes it easier by making the value auto-forcing. HOW IT WORKS Check the source. That's what the source is for. There are various CPAN modules that does what this does. But I found others too complicated. Hey, the whole code is only 25 lines long! (Well, was until 0.03) Nicely fits in a good-old terminal screen. The closest module is Scalar::Defer, a brainchild of Audrey Tang. But I didn't like the way it (ab)?uses namespace. Data::Thunk depends too many modules. And Data::Lazy is overkill. All I needed was auto-forcing and this module does just that. EXPORT "lazy" and "delay". FUNCTIONS lazy lazy { value } is really: Scalar::Lazy->new(sub { value }); You can optionally set the second parameter. If set, the value becomes constant. The folloing example illustrates the difference. my $x = 0; my $once = lazy { ++$x } 'init'; # $once is always 1 is $once, 1, 'once'; is $once, 1, 'once'; my $succ = lazy { ++$x }; # $succ always increments $x isnt $succ, 1, 'succ'; is $succ, 3, 'succ'; delay an alias to "lazy". METHODS new Makes a lazy variable which auto-forces on demand. force You don't really need to call this method (that's the whole point of this module!) but if you want, you can my $l = lazy { 1 }; my $v = $l->force; AUTHOR Dan Kogai, "<dankogai at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-scalar-lazy at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Scalar::Lazy You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker <> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Highly inspired by Scalar::Defer by Audrey Tang. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 Dan Kogai, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.